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Growing Older Takes Courage

July 1, 2021

Comparatively speaking, nowadays, it takes anyone a little more courage to venture out into the world than it did in say the 1950’s- the pace of life is quicker, technology advancements have changed how we operate (for better or worse) and social and political issues are ongoing. At Pisgah Valley Retirement Community, we recognize that life can be more challenging the older we get so we try to provide a serene yet engaging atmosphere for our residents to help make that transition to a continuum care community more comfortable. Nonetheless, making that jump from homeownership to retirement community life can be stressful and requires courage to adapt.

Environmental Changes

Let’s face it, we would all love to stay “home” as long as possible; but there comes a time when we all need some help and admitting that takes courage.

The environmental change from your previous life to a retirement community is huge. Your sense of purpose can change now that you aren’t the landlord in charge. Maybe the home you’re moving into is smaller, you gave up driving, you have new neighbors, and quite frankly, things are different.

Letting Go

In order to get to your new place it takes courage to let go of connections and objects which can feel like letting go of memories. Sizing down during the final years can be depressing for some but if you keep a positive attitude and find positive ways to spend your time reflecting then that process can be a little easier to tolerate. Try practicing meditation, qi gong, yoga, journaling, focusing, or even breathing exercises. As therapist Joan Klagsbrun, PhD says, “any practice that helps us settle the mind and accept what is will help us to better tolerate the losses that come with aging and appreciate all that’s still there to be enjoyed.”

Social Changes

One of the benefits to finding the courage to move to a retirement community is the constant opportunities to socialize with others. At Pisgah Valley, we have residents from all walks of life which opens up the possibilities of support from others. Those supporters can also be viewed as teachers even; helping to share their experiences and guide others through the aging process.

As we age, finding social support is very important. Your children most likely will not be able to understand everything you’re going through. There is a chance that you are now single which means you practice a tremendous amount of courage to navigate the world alone. But if you have supportive friends, neighbors, retirement community staff, and family then happiness and personal fulfillment can still exist.

Finding hobbies and consistent engagements to attend will allow you to be around others and retirement communities offer a variety of activities for everyone so if you no longer drive you can stay active without needing much transportation.

Look for a retirement community that has a busy activity calendar. This can help make your transition fun and engaging. Activity coordinators and wellness staff are here to offer as many valuable activities as possible for you to take advantage!

Physical Changes

As we age so do our bodily processes. The mind slows down which can create memory issues. The body slows down which creates a whole set of other issues but we must keep doing what we can. Use courage to find ways to adapt to your own individual changes whether it’s hearing loss, poor eyesight, a bad back or hair loss. The good thing is, at Pisgah Valley we are ready to accommodate those changes and provide a variety of wellness classes that everyone can enjoy!

So if you are feeling hesitant about getting out of the house, just remember that everyone else has a struggle that they’re working through at this stage of the game. You are strong, you are resilient, and you have courage to carry you along for the rest of the journey.

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Pisgah Valley

6 Rhododendron Way
Candler, NC 28715


Pisgah Villa

102 Holcombe Cove Road
Candler, NC 28715


Pisgah Manor

104 Holcombe Cove Road
Candler, NC 28715
