July 29, 2022
We hosted a Canine Carnival Donation drive for the local Humane Society We offered snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy, and of course doggy treats for our fellow canine visitors! We had $200 in Cash donations and our material donation barrel was overwhelming!
July 27, 2022
Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday! During this #UVSafetyMonth!, residents were fortunate to learn about the best steps to take to protect themselves from UV damage. Hint: you must protect yourself during all months, not just in summer. Thanks to Dr.Heather Higgins at Asheville Dermatology Professionals for taking time to present to our residents.
July 25, 2022
Connecting with others adds sweetness and meaning to life. From time spent nurturing lifelong relationships to meeting new friends and neighbors, positive interactions with others feed the spirit and the mind. The scientific community agrees—an article published in The Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience reports, “Humans are inherently social. We are not special in this …Read More…
July 8, 2022
Join Pisgah Valley for our Blood Drive hosted by The Blood Connection. This event will take place on Friday, July 22nd from 11:00am – 4:00pm. All donors will receive a $20 E-Gift Card! To make an appointment, please visit the link below Click Here to Make Appointment to Donate Blood. Thank You!
July 6, 2022
Welcome back to #wellnesswednesday! With fresh produce at an abundance this time of the year, our Independent Living residents love having community compost. How do you reduce your carbon footprint? And what do you do with your food scraps besides throw in the trash? #compostin #communitycompost #zerowaste
July 1, 2022
Foods that Will Help Protect your Skin from Sun Damage Spending time outside is one of the best things we humans can do for ourselves. Our beautiful Pisgah Valley campus is located in the mountains of North Carolina and we know it can’t get much better than that. Time with mother nature can provide fresh …Read More…