January 27, 2022
To celebrate National Geographic Day, Pisgah Valley chose to explore the blue zones! We watched different presentations about the Blue Zones and enjoyed to-go snacks that are commonly eaten in the blue zones. (click on links below to see the different presentations) The Blue Zones of Happiness – https://youtu.be/3GfXNk-MiHg The Top 5 Foods You Should …Read More…
January 26, 2022
Part 2 of the 3-part “Living Next Door to Dementia” series is in full swing with our independent living residents. Did you know that dementia is NOT a normal part of aging? Thank you Mary Donnelly from MemoryCare and Teepa Snow for offering this presentation to our campus and for supporting those in need of …Read More…
January 21, 2022
Come soak your worries away with us at Pisgah Valley Wellness Center. Call us to find out how you can join our pool and gym at 828-418-2330.
January 12, 2022
Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Did you know Glaucoma affects more than 2.7 million Americans aged 40 and older? Learn if you are at risk for this “sneak thief of sight” by watching this video from American Academy of Ophthalmology. #glaucomaawarenessmonth
January 1, 2022
Can bring more ease while doing activities of daily living, or ADL’s Activities of daily living, or ADL’s include things like grocery shopping, leaning over to pick up objects, walking, reaching high to retrieve something from a cabinet and more. For seniors, performing activities of daily living can become more difficult with age due to …Read More…